Enterprise Ireland Competitive Start Fund – All Sectors

The Competitive Start Fund (CSF) aims to support early stage start-ups.  This fund is open to early stage companies in manufacturing and internationally traded services.

Call Open: Tuesday 16th April, 2019
Call Close:
 Tuesday 30th April, 2019

All applications to the fund must be made via the Enterprise Ireland Online Application System.

  • Completed application forms must be submitted through the Enterprise Ireland Online Application System by 3pm on 30th April, 2019.
  • Video Pitch must be submitted on the Sonru.com platform by 11:59pm on 30th April, 2019 (when you commence the application form an email regarding the video pitch will be sent to you separately). A valid application must have both a video pitch and complete application form.

Overview of the Competitive Start Fund

The purpose of the Competitive Start Fund is to accelerate the growth of start-up companies that have the capacity to succeed in global markets. The fund is designed to enable those companies to reach key technical and commercial milestones.

Applicants to the fund should ideally be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Be able to clearly demonstrate that product or service has reached MVP stage, and that the product is, at a minimum, live in beta.
  • That the product or service has demonstrable customer validation with (trial and/or paying) customers.
  • A fully articulated proposition addressing a clear gap in the market with market research conducted with customers/potential customers.
  • Evidence of innovation, export potential and employment capacity. Clear market opportunity for the proposed product or service. Clear knowledge of the competitive landscape.
  • Clear execution plan outlined, identifying suitable channels to international markets.

Assessments are undertaken on the applications submitted, it is important to note that the greater the progress the applicant has undertaken towards generating sustainable revenues the stronger the application. Applications from projects that are at idea, concept or design stage may be considered to require further development before applying for the competitive start fund.

If successful in progressing to pitch, the applicant may be required to supply contacts of (trial and/or paying) customers prior to any Enterprise Ireland investment completing as part of our due diligence process.

For more information visit