Enterprise Week 2020
Meath Enterprise Week 2020 (#MEW2020) – 16-20 November

Supporting and Promoting Local, National & Global Events
as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week #GEW2020
Meath Enterprise Week 2020 (#MEW2020)
Driving Entrepreneurship and Regional Development through
Collaboration, Clustering and Creative Thinking.
Get Connected – Make It Meath!
The highlight of previous enterprise weeks would have always been the hugely successful #MEW Business Conference & Expo in the Knightsbrook Hotel, Trim and last year we launched the inaugural Regional Enterprise Summit from Kells Tech Hub where we explored important regional and national issues around entrepreneurship, the future of work, digital transformation, diversity & inclusion, social enterprise and how coworking or working remotely could help alleviate those long commutes while also improving work productivity, satisfaction, health and wellbeing.
Fast forward 12 months and its clear that not only are all of the above still extremely relevant but they have now become an integral part of how we live today, or as some like to call, ‘our new normal’. The devastating effects of Covid-19 across the globe has been difficult to fathom but the scale and pace of change in the way we work, learn, connect and adapt has also been phenomenal.
This year we explore and listen to some of the stories from inspiring people and entrepreneurs and how they have struggled, survived and, in some cases, thrived in 2020 and we will also try and share some important and unique insights into how you and/or your business can survive and thrive in the future.
Meath Enterprise Week (#MEW2020)
Proud Partners and Supporters of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) #GEW2020
Local Roots – Global Reach …. #MEW2020 – #GEW2020

Enterprise Week 2020
Recent News
- Agrotopia Ireland Going Global from the Boyne Valley Food Innovation District.
- A Week of Collaborative Magic: Co-Working Week Across Rise Hubs in Meath
- Rise Lab Co-Working Spaces: Empowering Your Business with Convenience and Support
- Meath Enterprise welcomes Nigerian Delegation to County Meath; Fostering Collaborations and Strengthening Ireland’s Global Connections
- Meath Enterprise to launch 25 year celebrations with Grand Re-Opening….
Upcoming Events
- All Day Event, 13th March 2020 – 29th April 2020 – All Events Cancelled until Further Notice
- 10:00 am – 1:00 pm, 18th December 2019 – "Step Up to Stand Out" Workshop
- 8:30 am – 3:30 pm, 21st November 2019 – #MEW2019 BUSINESS CONFERENCE & EXPO
Contact Us
- 046 9073753 / 046 9073538
- 046 9027356
- info@meathenterprise.ie