The National Energy Globe Awards Ireland 2019

The Winner of this year’s National Energy Globe Award is Glavloc Build Systems.
Glavloc Build Systems will be presented with their award at an Awards Ceremony in Kells Tech Hub as part of Meath Enterprise Week 2019.
You may be aware of Austria’s excellent reputation when it comes to environmentally friendly products and energy-saving technologies.
Since 1999, the Energy Globe Foundation from Upper Austria has been awarding projects that “make careful and economical use of resources and employ alternative energy sources.” The winners are selected by a panel including members from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the World Bank and the European Renewable Energy Council. The Energy Globe Awards are an initiative by Austrian engineer and environmentalist Wolfgang Neumann and have developed from a national to a worldwide initiative. Every year, 110 Advantage Austria offices worldwide present the awards to the national winners. This year’s Irish winner is Glavloc Build Systems Ltd.
Networking event
12.00 Welcome and introduction by Dr Josef Treml, Head of Advantage Austria Ireland
12.15 Presentation of the Energy Globe Award to Paul Glavin, CEO Glavloc Build Systems, by HE Dr Helmut Freudenschuss, Austrian Ambassador to Ireland.
12.20 Brief address by Energy Globe Winner Paul Glavin
12.30 Networking and Lunch
14.00 End
To request an invitation to be a part of this Awards Ceremony, please email