6 Reasons Why Concrete Goals Are Essential to Entrepreneurial Success

Written by Timothy Sykes and published on www.entrepreneur.com 
Believe it — there is a right and wrong way to approach setting career goals. In a nutshell, the more specific your goals are, the better.

If your professional goals are nebulous, like “become rich” or “gain success,” you may be psyching yourself out without even realizing what you’re doing. Setting specific goals gives you the motivation and focus to begin making them a reality.

Ready to readjust your goal setting methods? Here are just six reasons why you need to set specific goals to get ahead in your professional career to get ahead:

1. They keep you motivated.

Setting specific goals allows you to get really clear on what you are working toward in your career and why.

For instance, if you have a vague goal like “make more money”, it will supply similarly vague motivation. When you reach the first sign of resistance, that goal will seem unattainable and too hard, and you’ll be more likely to give up. On the other hand, a specific goal like “buy a condo in San Diego” is very specific and gives you something specific to work toward and to help you maintain motivation.